Tuesday, June 14, 2011

International Space Station-See with naked eyes

ISS is the largest space station ever constructed, it can be clearly seen from earth even without any telescope or any other equipment. All you need to do is to know the time at which it crosses your location and sit and watch it crossing the sky. The first thing you have to do is to know the timing at which it crosses your local sky

Step 1: Visit www.heavens-above.com, and select your location using any of the options listed select from map or from database or edit manually, you can also Create new user account so that you don't have to define your locations on your subsequent visits

Step 2: Once you have given your location, you will see a list of satellites, Now select ISS to see the list of visible passes. ISS passes many times across your local sky but it will be visible only around sunset or sunrise.

If the Mag value is more negative it means ISS will be more visible, for instance, in the above table ISS will be more brighter on 17 Jun

Start and End Altitudes are usually 10, you have to look for MAX Altitude, the more the MAX the brighter the ISS will be. If the max is 90 or 89 it means the ISS will pass in the center of the sky.

Step 3: The timings and altitude are very accurate, and you should strictly follow the above timings to take a look at the giant satellite. If you feel difficult to visualize the direction then you can use a simple diagram like below, draw the below diagram and try to visualize more accurate angle.

You can also use a software named Stellarium, you can download it for your windows or mac or linux, below you can see a screenshot of stellarium

You can download Stellarium at www.stellarium.org

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